Bermuda Triangle's mystery solved!

Bermuda Triangle's mystery solved!

The Bermuda Triangle or that part of the North Atlantic Ocean (North Atlantic Ocean), also known as the 'Devils Triangle' or 'Satanic Triangle', has finally solved the riddle of this 'Satanic Triangle'. A report aired on the science channel Watt on Earth? Claimed that airborne and water ships disappeared due to the presence of strange clouds around the Bermuda Triangle (Triangle) See nearby.

These Bermuda clouds are named Hexagonal clouds, which have a power equal to the presence of a bomb blast in the air with winds of up to 170 miles per hour. These clouds and winds collide with the ships present in the water and air and they never meet again. Spread over 5 lakh square kilometers, this area has been infamous for the last several hundred years. According to scientists, winds blowing at very high speeds give rise to such clouds.

 These Bermuda clouds are also very strange to see and the scope of a cloud is at least 45 feet. Due to their size they are called hexagonal clouds (Bermuda triangle).

The report claimed that these winds create these huge clouds and collide with sea water like an explosion and produce higher lanes than tsunamis that collide and generate more energy.

 During this time they ruin everything around them. According to scientists, these clouds originate at the southern end of Bermuda Island and then travel about 20 to 55 miles.

The Bermuda Triangle A Secret!

Dr. Steve Miller, professor and meteorologist (meteorologist) at Colorado State University has also supported this claim. They have also claimed that these clouds are produced on their own and they are also very difficult to detect.

What is Bermuda Triangle story ….?

The story of the Bermuda Triangle: One special thing about the Bermuda Triangle is that this triangle is definitely not stable in one place. Its effect can also be felt outside the triangle area.

America's bomber disappeared: Thousands of people have died here in the last hundreds of years. One figure has revealed the fact that on an average 4 airplanes and 20 seaports mysteriously disappear every year due to Bermuda triangle.

 In 1945, a squad of five American torpedo bombers flew over Bermuda triangular area from Fort Loderdale with 14 people. About 90 minutes after the trip, radio operators received a signal that the compass was not working. Immediately after that the contact was lost and the people in those planes never returned.

There was also no detection of the three aircraft that went to Bermuda triangle into the rescue operations of these aircraft. Researchers believe that due to a powerful magnetic field in this part of the sea here, the equipment used in ships stops working. Due to which the ships deviate and become an accident.
Columbus first saw this: Christopher Columbus was the first to report the Bermuda Triangle. Columbus was the first to encounter the Bermuda Triangle.

 He has written in his writings, referring to the activities taking place in this triangle, that as soon as he reached the Bermuda triangle, his compass (direction device) stopped working. After this, Christopher Columbus saw a mysterious fireball in the sky, which fell straight into the sea.

Incidents of the disappearance of ships and aircraft in Bermuda triangle of the Atlantic Ocean so far have been found that whenever a ship or aircraft arrives, its radar, radio wireless and compass devices either do not work properly.Or they just stop working slowly. With which these ships and aircraft lose contact with the rest of the world.

 Their own compasses also deteriorate. In this way, they either fall prey to their misfortune or get lost in this mysterious area and deepen its mystery even more.

 Some scientists believe that some laws of physics change in the Bermuda triangle area, due to which such accidents occur.

Some people consider it to be the work of some supernatural power, and some are finding this a normal phenomenon.

 Along with writing many books and articles on this, films have also been made. All kinds of research have been done but even after all the research and investigation, the result has not been reached as to why the missing vessels could not be found, they were swallowed by the sky or the sea was taken, even in the event of an accident. 

Debris would have been found, but even the wreckage of ships and aircraft was not found.

What is the history of Bermuda Triangle ….?

Situated and varied shapes of the Bermuda Triangle: a space spanning 39,00,000 km  of latitude 25 ° to 45 ° north and longitude 55 to 85 ° of the southeastern Atlantic Ocean of the United States, resembling a hypothetical triangle.

 It is known as Devils Triangle or Bermuda Triangle. The three corners of this triangle touch Bermuda, Miami, and San Juan, Puerto Rico and the Bermuda Triangle - the United States of Florida, located between the island of Bermuda, between Puerto Rico and the Atlantic Ocean.

 Most accidents occur near the southern boundary of the triangle, located near the Bahamas and Florida.

History of Bermuda Triangle: 
The Bermuda Triangle has so far taken many ships and aircraft into its possession, about which nothing has been known.

 The ship first went missing in 1872 in The Mary Bermuda Triangle, about which nothing was known. But the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle was revealed to the world for the first time when a newspaper article was also published on September 16, 1950 for the first time.

 Two years later, Fat magazine titled George Mystery at Our Back Door. A brief article of Send was also published.

The article referred to the disappearance of five TBM bomber aircraft 'Flight 19' of the US Navy, including several air and sea vessels. The disappearance of Flight 19 was taken very seriously.

 In this connection, in April 1962, it was published in a magazine that the vanishing pilots in the Bermuda triangle were heard saying that we do not know where we are, the water is green and nothing seems to be correct. It was also said by the Navy officials that the aircraft went to another planet.

This was the first article in which after the disappearance of planes, some supernatural power, that is, the hand of the beings of another planet, was told. In 1964 an article on the Bermuda Triangle was published in a magazine called Argosi.

 This article was written by Vicente H. Godis. Since then, it has been written so much throughout the world that in 1973 it also found a place in the Encyclopaedia Britannica. The disappearance of aircraft and ships continued in the Bermuda triangle.

Ship missing in Bermuda Triangle-
In 1872, the ship 'The Mary Celest' went missing in the Bermuda Triangle, which is still unknown.

In 1945, five Navy airplanes merged into the Bermuda Triangle. These ships were flight-19s.

In 1947 the Army's C-45 Superfort ship mysteriously disappeared over the Bermuda Triangle.

In 1948 the ship was lost to the Tudor Triangle. It is also not known. (DC-3)
In 1950, the American ship SS Sandra passed here, but where it went is not known.

In 1952, the British ship merged into the Atlantic. 33 people were killed, no body was found.

In 1962, the US Army's KB-50 tanker plane suddenly disappeared while passing over the Bermuda Triangle.

In 1972, a German ship sank as soon as it entered a triangle. The weight of this ship was 20 thousand tons.

Where in 1997 the German aircraft went into the Bermuda Triangle, nothing is known.

The Mary Celest: The most mysterious event involving the Bermuda Triangle is seen in association with a ship called 'Mary Celeste'. On November 5, 1872, the ship sailed from New York to Jinoa, but never reached there.

 Later, after exactly one month, on 5 December 1872, this ship was found in the Atlantic Ocean in a safe condition, but there was not a single person on it.

 The dining table inside was decorated, but there was no one to eat it. Where did all the people on this go? Who put the dining table, when and why? All these questions remain an unsolved riddle till date.

Flight 19: Similarly, in the US Navy, a group of torpedo bomber aircraft, five of Flight 19, flew over the region from Fort Lauderdale, Florida on December 5, 1945 with 14 people led by Lieutenant Charles Taylor. People could never return in which five torpedo vehicles were destroyed.

 Lieutenant Taylor's compass stopped working when he reached this location. The last words heard from the radio of Flight 19 were, 'We don't know where we are, everything has gone wrong, the water is green and nothing seems to be correct. The sea does not look like it should.

 We do not know in which direction the west is. We do not understand any direction. We should be 225 miles northeast of our base, but it seems that .... and then the sound stopped. '

The secret of looking alien on the Bermuda Triangle…

Bermuda Triangle is not secret, but one end of the time zone: According to experts, Bermuda Triangle is not secret, but one end of the time zone.

 The Bermuda Triangle is like a black hole on Earth used to travel to another world. In simple language, a special kind of situation arises in Bermuda Triangle, due to which it becomes a means of moving from one time zone to another. We adopt another method to understand the time zone. 

 That is, the journey of many years is done at the blink of an eye. Overall, the Bermuda Triangle is also considered a way to enter the time zone. That is, it works like a mysterious time machine.

The biggest thing is that this time zone is used by people of other world, not humans. That is, the Bermuda Triangle is a portal for aliens inhabited thousands of kilometers away from the earth.

 To understand this theory further, it is very important to know these scientific facts which have come out after years of investigation. This happens 25 times a year when the size of the Bermuda Triangle shrinks to just two and a half square miles. 

That is, special conditions remain for 15 and a half miles down to two and a half miles and only 28 minutes. At the moment, whatever aircraft or ship passes near the Bermuda Triangle, fiercely powerful electromagnetic waves pull it towards them.

During this time Bermuda acts as the first mouth of the Triangle Time Zone. The second estuary is millions of kilometers away from the earth. That is, once something that went into the Bermuda Triangle is thrown into another world.

 The aliens also follow the same principle to come to Earth. The aliens enter from one mouth of the time zone in distant space, the size of the time zone increases in the blink of an eye and they reach the other end, this is the Bermuda Triangle.

This is the reason why the sighting of aliens around Bermuda Triangle is the highest. It is also said that there is a very large secret laboratory of America in this part for research on time zones. Alien-related research is also done here like Area-51. Now such events have been claimed due to the hexagonal clouds found here, but at the moment we do not have any knowledge, machine or equipment to test the truth of this new theory.

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